AFGE/SSA General Committee Corner
President- Jessica LaPointe
EVP- Angela Digeronimo
1st VP- Edwin Osorio
2nd VP- Amad Ali
4th VP- Shonda Johnson
Treasurer- Jennifer Kirkham
Secretary- Monique Buchanan
Regional Vice Presidents:
Boston - Camillie Pineiro
New York- Shawn Halloran
Philadelphia- Nicole McMillin
Atlanta- Jimmy Botts
Chicago- Amber Westbrook
Kansas City- Jeremy Maske
Dallas- Ana Rivers
Denver- Jordan Harwell
San Francisco- Stephanie Rodriguez
Seattle- John Pfannenstein
I absolutely love AFGE and what it stands for and it gives me a purpose to continue working hard even in these dark times with the agency. I have had some very excellent mentors guiding me and helping me learn and I have learned a lot in such a short amount of time.
- 220 Member, SC
The reality is, doing that work – fight for a true and meaningful raise for our employees (using actual quantitative evidence to back the demand up), more staffing, and a congenial working environment is something our employees not only deserve, they are demanding it.
- 220 Member, CO
I wanted to let you know how appreciative of you and grateful I am for people like you. Thanks for being a strong advocate for the rest of us, and for ensuring that we're not being backed into corners and taken advantage of. Thanks for being courageous enough to stand up to management/upper management and for being willing to ruffle some feathers so that the rest of us benefit.
-SSA Employee